What social security number when registering as an auto-entrepreneur?

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As I was a conjoint collaborateur on my husband’s business registration, the whole family came under the same social security number. When filling in the on-line form for auto-entrepreneur for my new business, it asks if you already have a social security number and if so state it. I put it in the existing number and it rejected it due to it being my husband’s I guess. Do I just put that I do not have a social security number? Do I need to answer the question Votre conjoint est-il couvert à titre personnel par - Oui - Non, un régime obligatoire d’assurance maladie?

And if I answer yes, what do I put for Votre régime d’assurance maladie actuel Can my children be put on my social security number and stay on my husband’s as well? Do I include them on the form at this stage?

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