What is the CIPAV? Does an auto-entrepreneur need to register with CIPAV?

· Viewed 818 times

Bonjour Valerie,

I am a management consultant (7022Z) operating under the auto-entrepreneur status. For my visa renewal (I am an Indian citizen based in Paris) the prefecture asked me for three documents (in addition to some others):

  1. attestation d’affiliation à l’URSSAF (I have this)
  2. attestation d’affiliation à un régime de sécurité sociale (I am presuming this is the affiliation with CPAM. If yes, it’s in progress)
  3. attestation d’affiliation à une caisse de retraite pour les indépendants

Please let me know what is the 3rd requirement? Have read somewhere that it is with an organisation called CIPAV. Is an auto-entrepreneur required to register with CIPAV?


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