TVA registered auto-entrepreneur, profession liberale working remotely for clients outside France

· Viewed 395 times

I am auto-entrepreneur, profession liberale for consulting services in scientific database management/medical writing for pharma industry, working remotely for clients outside France ( in Canada), never had clients in France for AE structure, but TVA registered (as over passed the threshold). I receive payments from Canada in Euro ( as I charge in Euro). As you explained to the forum members, and as per my understanding, addition of VAT is not applicable as the customer who benefit from my services is not in France. 

Can you please advise what statement to put in the invoice, should it be: VAT is not applicable, art. 293 B du CGI? or another reference.
How should I declare ZERO TVA on the form 3310-CA3 -SD: it seems the amount gained should be inserted under “Operations Non-Imposable”  but which line to choose?
04 Exportations hors UE 0032 …………………
05 Autres opérations non imposables 0033 …………………
5A Ventes à distance taxables dans un autre État membre au profit des personnes non assujetties – Ventes BtoC 0047 …………………
06 Livraisons intracommunautaires à destination d’une personne assujettie- Ventes BtoB 0034 …………………
07 Achats en franchise 0037 …………………
7A Ventes de biens ou prestations de services réalisées par un assujetti non établi en France (article 283-1 du code général des impôts) 0043 …………………
7B Régularisations (important : cf. notice) 0039 …………………

Are there any other actions required with regards to TVA?
Many thanks in advance!

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