Tax on UK-based state and Private pension

· Viewed 514 times

As a British pensioner, but resident in France, I have a State pension and a small Private Pension (from previous UK-based employment).
The State pension is paid to my UK account gross, without any deduction. However, my private pension is taxed at source in the UK and am paid a net amount of that private pension. Both pensions are paid into my UK bank accounts.

I have been recently told by the French Tax Authorities that as I am a resident in France, I should not be paying any tax on any UK pensions (whether state or private) as I am paying taxes on them here in France anyway, so I should not therefore pay tax twice.

The questions are:

  1. How can I tell the private pension provider to stop deducting any tax from my private pension? Is there an official way (a Form, a French Form from the French Tax Authorities, etc..) that I need to follow?
  2. Can I claim for repayment of all the deductions made from my private pension?

Many thanks for your help, as usual.

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