Social coverages under SAS, SARL, EURL vs. AE…

· Viewed 387 times

I’m an American and have been living in France for almost 1.5 years; my wife has a research position at a University here. I am a finance/accounting consultant for international NGOs (all current clients based in the US) and registered as an AE in January 2023. I made over the income threshold for 2023 and likely will again in 2024. My initial plan was to use the 2 years of AE before incorporating, however my wife’s research position is ending in April and we need to figure out our resident status to stay in France. I applied for a passeport talent - creation d’enterprise but was denied, presumably because I am an AE and not yet an enterprise. I’m not 100% positive I want to incorporate yet given the steep difference in taxes, but I am wondering what the benefit (if any) is of paying the higher social contributions and taxes (separate from potentially getting the 4-year visa). I.e. is there more access to private mutuelle, retirement contributions, etc as opposed to an AE whereby I currently have none of these (except as through my wife’s current employer)? I am not fundamentally opposed to more contributions, but would expect some sort of benefit to come with it. Thanks for all of your thoughts.


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