Register a gite as a secondary source of income?

· Viewed 1807 times

I have just been to the Impots at Vannes to ask about registering gites as a secondary source of income under my husbands name as he has a primary source of income which exceeds any income we will get from the gite. The lady has sent me away with a form P0-i Declaration de debut d’activite and basically said the only way to do it is to register as a micro bic.

I took it away to have a look but don’t think this is right. I speak good French but when I asked about registering the gite as a secondary source of income she looked completely blank. Can you tell me which form I need to complete or can you give me any advice on what exactly I need to ask for? Has anybody done this and can point me in the right direction before I go back to the Impots to try again.

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