Looking at options for setting up working from France

Sean H
· Viewed 785 times


I am trying to understand my options for living and working in France and are looking for some advice.

I am currently employed in the UK under PAYE and want to propose to my boss that I work from France with regular visits back.

Following Brexit to apply for CDS I need to paying Tax in France, for the employee the tax & cotisations do not seem that different, however, I am struggling to understand Employer costs and these seem much higher. Obviously my employer will not be interested if it costs him a lot more money, so I need to understand my options before I put my proposal to them.
Is this something you can advise me on?

As an AE you need more than 1 customer? So I can’t just charge my current employer my salary?  Are there limits on turnover/profit?  and what costs are involved as an AE ? Do you only pay the employee level of tax and cotisations?

Thanks for your advice,  Sean

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