Is this correct for a chambre d’hote turnover declaration in France?

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For a chambre d’hote my first paper declaration is due just want to confirm what I enter where.

  1. I assume I put the turnover in the first section 528 as this is the correct tax for chambre d’hote. Is this correct?
  2. Is the 576 a percentage of the total turnover for the first declaration?
  3. Can I also check percentage for each quarter for chambre d’hote and homme toute main:
    • 528 ventes de marchandises taux en % 13.3
    • 538 prestations de services taux en % 22.9
    • 576 formation commercant taux en %  0.1
  4. Also my husband’s homme toute main. Assuming his goes in the 518 section unless there are any material costs which go in the 508 section. Is this correct?

    • 508 ventes de marchandises taux en % 13.3
    • 518 prestations de services taux en % 22.9
    • 572 formation artisan obligatoire taux en % 0.3
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