Is my chambre d’hotes registered under correct heading and should I pay CFE?

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I have just received a letter from the La Direction générale des Finances publiques (DGFiP) saying I haven’t paid my CFE/IFER. First of all, I had no idea I had to pay it, didn’t receive a bill, a notification or anything until this letter. I spoke to someone there this morning who said I may be able to be exonerated but need to talk to my accountant, who I have not been able to speak to yet today.

We do chambre and table d’hôtes from our own principal residence. We have two guest rooms and we also rent out our own two children’s rooms when they are not at home. We rent out these rooms for a maximum of eight weeks, and during the winter season only. The rest of the time, it is just our family home.

After having talked to the DGFiP, I had a look online, and found this up to date information, which says that Chambre d’hôtes are exempt. What are your thoughts please? We are registered, perhaps wrongly, as 5510Z hôtels et hébergement similaire, and have been since Jan 2012.

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