INPI Update, Activity already correct, Regime incorrect.

· Viewed 455 times

As discussed, I was wrongly registered as a Micro Entrepreneur (APE 7311Z) in 2021 when I created my business. I paid Urssaf for 2021 and 2022. In January 2023, I changed my APE to 9003A through INSEE. I have not paid Urssaf for all of 2023 because I did not have access to Artiste-Auteur Urssaf portal. So now I have to add APE 9003A through INPI and change my business to Micro Non-Professional.

I have logged into INPI and filled out my information. Where do I download the form for Lex Community? When do I complete this portion?

Also, my activity is already listed as 9003A on INPI, so this is already correct. I still need to ask if my Urssaf can be backdated and switched to January 2023. Where do I do this and how do I change from Micro Entrepreneur to Micro Non-Professional?

Thank you,


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