How do we register a business in France to get health care / social security?

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My husband is a 3D artist and I teach English online. To date, we have been dividing our time between England and France as we work from home remotely so can be anywhere. We pay our taxes in the UK and are on the health system. France will become a permanent base for us and we would like to know how we go about:

  • Getting some kind of residency here.
  • Registering our work here so we can pay in to the French system and what that would entitle us to healthcare and pension.

My husband is also thinking he would like to launch a market stall in our local town on a Saturday. Would he need to register twice in order to do this? Is there a minimum he needs to declare before being entitled to healthcare and state pension?

I am sure the company I currently work for won’t go for registering me in the French system due to the extra costs they will need to pay so I will need to start my own freelance language teaching work registered in France, so the same question applies, is it better to do this as an individual or a company?

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