How do I register online with registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS)?

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I registered as a commerçant auto-entrepreneur prior to 19/12/2014. As I understand it, I now need to register with the Registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS).

According to the website, it’s possible to do this online via I have got as far as creating an online account - but looking at the that lists the formalités available through cfenet, none of them seem to fit what I need to do (screen shot). The options for auto-entrepreneurs (or micro-entrepreneurs as apparently we are now becoming) are:

  • Créer l’entreprise, avec ou sans demande d’ACCRE
  • Ouvrir un établissement supplémentaire
  • Demander l’ACCRE
  • Demander la carte d’activité commerciale ambulante

Additionally, for auto-entrepreneur en dispense d’inscription au RCS avant le 19/12/2014, there are options for:

  • Déclaration de cessation
  • Déclaration de modification

None of these seem to cover registering an existing auto-entrepreneur business with the RCS - which link if any should I be following? I’m hoping it is possible to register with RCS online.

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