How do I do modify my auto-entrepreneur declaration?

· Viewed 1544 times

Thanks for your video on how to sign up as an auto entrepreneur. It was a big help. Unfortunately I received the following refusal / rejection message:

Merci de modifier votre déclaration et préciser l’activité autres services personnels.

I reviewed the questions and answers on your site of others doing similar work prior to my application and I put the following under the section activites declarees au CFE:

  • Activités exercées:  Autre service personnels
  • La plus importante: Menage pour des proprietaries de chalets et apartments

My work will involve changeovers at chalets (meet and greets, making beds, cleaning etc. and looking after private homes doing housekeeping. Please can you advise how I can modify my application? I’m hoping I won’t have to take a course with this type of work.

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