Guitar Teacher recently registered as an auto-entrepreneur

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I moved to France in August and decided I wanted to start teaching guitar. I wanted to do things by the book. I saw the auto entrepreneur regime and opted to register as such in November. I now have my SIRET and confirmation from URSSAF of auto-entrepreneur status. Maybe you could help me with some queries I have:

1. I’ve registered as a ‘Profession Libérale’ (enseignement culturel) Is that right?

2. I opted for the ‘versement liberatoire de l’impot’ as I thought it easier to pay everything up front.  However I don’t think the business will make big money and so the tax bill at year end may be lower than what I will be paying.  Can I /should I change my tax repayment?

3. I received the Taxe Professionelle form (1003-P) which I completed and sent off.  I stated I started as an AE in 2009 and filled in the other sections with zeros.  I work from home and have no business assets.  Is that right?

4. I have my first ‘declaration trimestrielle de recettes’ on net-entreprises for period ending 31/01/2010, but my letter from URSSAF stated I didn’t need to declare until 30/04/2010.  I have no income to date.  What should I do?

5. I’ve had a letter concerning retraite complementaire.  Is it right that I just say I have no employees and return the form to avoid any charges?

6.  I’ve received nothing yet from URSSAF re my Carte Vitale.  Do I wait a little longer before contacting them?

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