Can I register a business as an electrician and receive ACCRE?

· Viewed 1215 times

I had a business Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL) in France which ceased on 31 December 2014. The principle activity was Electricité with secondary activities such as plumber and building maintenance. I want to start up again now as an auto entrepreneur and I understand that I have to wait one year to register again in the same activity (Electricité)? My old business was started in 2001, so I have 13 years experience of working in France with these trades.

  1. If I try to register now as Electricité under the auto entrepreneur scheme, will the chambre des metiers reject my application? If not, should I register as something else and then add Electricité after one year has passed. I can’t find any specific text stating that you have to wait one year before registering again in the same trade. My initial works will be maintaining and doing minor repairs to student apartments in Paris.
  2. L’aide au chômeur créant ou reprenant une entreprise (ACCRE) - your auto-entrepreneur video states that there may be possible to have ACCRE if you are over 50? I have looked at the ACCRE website and can’t find any mention of this.
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