Are my auto-entrepreneur social charges 13% or 23.5%?

nicole s
· Viewed 1399 times

I am just about to complete my first Declaration Trimestrielle, yes I know the timing is out, but URSSAF have taken 4 months to process my papers. I just want to check that when I fill in my declaration for work undertaken via my website, for services offered - mainly voyance readings by telephone or email. Do I pay just 13% rather the 23.5% for the same services, that are not offered via my website.

I understand that 23.5% is what I pay for being a counsellor, teaching English and general psychic and voyance services. I am just not clear if services offered through my website, psychic telephone readings and emails, are only subject to 13% because they are paid via a website or are they still liable for 23.5%?

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