Already registered for d’assurance maladie?

· Viewed 2167 times

I worked in France through 2012 so I have a Carte Vitale and my wife has a Numero de Securité social though no Carte Vitale. I am registering for the auto-entrepreneur and I have reached the Votre Protection Sociale part which asks:

Votre conjoint(e) est-il (elle) couvert(e) a titre personnel par un regime obligatoire d’assurance maladie.

On her letter from CPAM it had a statement Valable du 29/3/12 au 28/9/12. Therefore strictly speaking is the answer to the question yes or No? Also I want to include my wife on my Carte Vitale so the question:

Voulez-vous faire beneficier d’autres membres de votre famille de votre assurance maladie?

Do I answer yes then it will allow me to add her details?

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