Is it correct that a gite cannot be registered under auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1717 times

I have received the following letter from RSI:

Votre compte Autoentrepreneurs est radié en date du 09/11/10 (date du commencement) pour une affiliation å tort. En effet, vous exercez une activité de loueur de logement. Avez vous une autre activité que celle ci? Si non, vous n’avez aucune déclaration å faire aupres de nos services, vous dépendez seulement des IMPOTS, c’est aupres de leur service que vous devez effectuer vos déclarations.

I had originally registered under the auto-entrepreneur scheme under the category of location de meublés in respect of gite rental, and have been making the quarterly declarations on the website ever since without any indication from RSI that there was any problem. Is it correct that this activity cannot be registered under auto-entrepreneur? If so, why does the category exist on the official auto-entrepreneur website?

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